Dynamically Display Social Proof with Deeto's AI-Powered Website Widget

Deeto's dynamic social proof site widget empowers businesses to curate and showcase user-generated content directly
Andrew Parker
6 May

From customer reviews to video testimonials, there are several ways to incorporate social proof into your website.

It's far and away your most valuable marketing asset. And if you aren't prioritizing it in 2024, you're behind.

Problem is, manually sourcing, curating, and uploading this content to every product, service, and feature page is time-consuming and tedious.

Deeto's dynamic social proof site widget empowers businesses to curate and showcase user-generated content directly on their websites, without the messy middle.

Social proof plays a critical role in web conversions.

B2B buyers don't immediately trust companies or sales reps, but they do trust reviews, proven results, and recommendations from their peers.

  • Glowing reviews and UGC validate your product to Google, which is why websites with testimonials average 45% more web traffic.
  • 92% of buyers are more likely to move forward once they've read a trusted review.
  • Sales pages with testimonials convert 34% more.

Not to mention, feature- and situation-specific written and video testimonials help you reinforce your product's value and differentiation strategy.

When someone reads or watches an honest testimonial, they have the opportunity to see its most important benefits through someone else's eyes.

For your current customers, it fosters authenticity and engagement.

Apart from reinforcing your brand's credibility, activating your current customers keeps them engaged with your product. They'll be more likely to remain loyal, try new features, products, and services, and refer others to your business.

When you showcase their authentic, unbiased feedback on your website, it also motivates them to keep providing valuable insights and suggestions.

Use Deeto to collect and display social proof on your website.

With Deeto, you can automate the process of collecting, curating, and displaying social proof across your web pages.

Here's an overview of the four-step process:

1. Customers join your program.

Within the Deeto platform, you can invite customers via email to leave feedback and submit reviews.

When a customer receives the invite, they'll be guided through the process of setting up their profile, setting their contribution preferences, and making their first submission.

2. They leave their feedback.

Compared to your average customer advocacy program, which has users write reviews for anything and everything, Deeto's guided flow helps you target specific aspects of your product and members of your customer base. Ask questions like, "What feature have you found most helpful in X situation?" to get detailed, situational feedback you can use to guide others through the buyer journey.

Plus, it's all personalized to the customer. Some may want to leave a video testimonial. Others would rather leave a written review than show their face to the world. Both will have the opportunity to do so with Deeto.

3. Deeto curates user-generated content using AI.

Deeto takes your authentic quotes, feedback, and video testimonials and turns them into social proof assets for your website. In seconds, you'll have a library of reviews and testimonials, specific to features and situations, that you can add to your website.

As more customers participate and your content pool grows, you'll always have access to it through the platform.

4. Deeto distributes social proof across your website.

The widget helps you source reviews, testimonials, and other UGC from within your Deeto content pool. From there, you can easily add that content to different landing pages (or change it) based on their context and target audience. 

Every social proof widget is beautifully designed, featuring customer headshots and snippets of their feedback. 

The best part is, Deeto easily integrates with your website. It matches your brand and displays seamlessly alongside your existing content, without anyone having to write a single line of code.

The result: Your site visitors see timely, relevant social proof that speaks directly to their needs, pain points, and use cases, helping to build trust and drive conversions.

Request a demo to see the social proof widget in action.