Building a Strong Reference Pool: 4 Best Practices for B2B Tech Companies Using Deeto

Here are the four best ways to build your reference pool using Deeto:
21 May

As a B2B tech company, building a robust and reliable reference pool is crucial for validating your products and services. Deeto offers a powerful platform to streamline this process, ensuring that you can efficiently gather and manage customer references. Here are the four best ways to build your reference pool using Deeto:

1. Bulk Invites: Cast a Wide Net

When starting to build your reference pool, it's essential to invite a large number of potential references. Deeto's bulk invite feature allows you to do just that. Here’s why this method is effective:

- Efficiency: With bulk invites, you can reach out to a large audience quickly, maximizing your chances of getting a substantial number of responses.

- Selective Approval: You maintain control over which content gets approved and shared. This means there's no need to be overly selective when sending out initial invites. Focus on volume first, and then curate the best responses.

By leveraging bulk invites, you set the stage for a broad and diverse pool of references, which you can refine over time to highlight the most compelling testimonials.

In essence, our message is: Don’t be afraid to cast a wide net. If anything, you will be pleasantly surprised by the conversion rate. 

We recommend starting with a wide list of all of your highly active customers - focus on the contact who have daily/weekly interactions with your product or service. 

Please note: Bulk invites don’t equal “self-registration”. You will be able to share with us a list of customers that you would like to invite - and we will automatically send them a personalized invitation.

2. Personalized Email: Make It Personal, Short, and Rewarding

The initial invitation email is your first point of contact, so it needs to make a strong impression. Here are some tips for crafting an effective email:

- Personalization: Tailor the email to reflect your brand’s voice and values. A personalized touch makes the recipient feel valued and increases the likelihood of a positive response.

- Brevity: Keep the email concise and to the point. Busy professionals are more likely to engage with a short, clear message.

- Incentives: If you have a reward program, mention it upfront. Offering a small reward, such as $5-$10 for clicking the call-to-action (CTA), can significantly boost engagement rates.

Example Email Template:

Subject: We Value Your Experience – Join Our Reference Pool!

Hi [Recipient's Name],

We hope you’re enjoying [Your Product/Service]. We’re building a pool of trusted references and would love for you to be a part of it!

As a token of our appreciation, we’re offering a $10 reward just for clicking the link below and sharing your feedback.

[CTA Link]

Thank you for being a valued customer!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

3. Choose the Best Sender: Leverage Personal Connections

The success of your invitation campaign can hinge on who sends the email. Deeto allows invites to be sent from a personal company email, which you should strategically select:

- Personal Relationship: Choose a sender who has a close relationship with the recipient. This could be an account manager or a customer success representative who has directly interacted with the customer.

- Recognition and Trust: When the recipient recognizes the sender and feels a personal connection, they are more likely to feel obligated to respond positively.

By thoughtfully selecting the sender, you can increase the likelihood of your invites being opened and acted upon.

4. Utilize Deeto Self-Registration: Keep It Accessible and Informative

Once you have an active pool of references, it’s crucial to keep the momentum going. Deeto’s self-registration capability can help with this:

- Personalized Landing Page: Create a landing page that can be shared across various channels, such as customer correspondence, social media posts, and email communications. With Deeto you are able to customize and launch a self-registration landing pages that fits perfectly into your brand’s look and feel. 

- Reward Breakdown: Ensure the landing page includes details about the rewards program to entice more customers to register and participate.

Example Landing Page Content:

Welcome to Our Reference Program!

We’re excited to invite you to join our reference pool. By sharing your experiences with [Your Product/Service], you can earn rewards and help others make informed decisions.

What’s in it for you?

- Earn $10 for your initial participation

- Additional rewards for ongoing involvement

Join us today and start earning while sharing your valuable insights.

[Register Now Button]

Thank you for being a valued part of our community!

[Your Company Logo and Contact Information]

By providing an easily accessible and informative landing page, you can continuously grow your reference pool and maintain an engaged community of advocates.


Building a strong reference pool is a strategic process that can significantly enhance your credibility and sales efforts. By using Deeto’s bulk invites, crafting personalized and rewarding emails, choosing the best sender, and utilizing the self-registration feature, you can efficiently gather and manage valuable customer references. Our team at Deeto is deeply committed to your success - These best practices combined with our tailored 1-on-1 guidance will provide a fertile ground for maximizing the effectiveness of your strategy.